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Arch Hellen Med, 24(6), November-December 2007, 573-577 ORIGINAL PAPER The relationship of serum ferritin level with cardiovascular risk factors in healthy men E.E. MAZOKOPAKIS,1,2 J.A. PAPADAKIS,1 M.G. PAPADOMANOLAKI,3 C.D. LIONIS,2 E.S. GANOTAKIS1 |
OBJECTIVE The role of ferritin as a marker of inflammation in the clinical assessment of cardiovascular risk remains to be determined. The purpose of this study was to assess correlations between serum ferritin levels and some of the known cardiovascular risk factors in healthy men.
METHOD Data from an epidemiological survey of 256 men of a Greek warship, aged 19-38 years, on behavioral and demographic characteristics, family history of premature coronary heart disease (CHD), weight and height, blood pressure and serum ferritin levels, were analyzed.
RESULTS Serum ferritin concentration correlated significantly with age, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body-mass index, alcohol consumption, years of smoking and cigarette pack-years. No significant association was found between serum ferritin level and smoking, aerobic exercise or family history of premature CHD.
CONCLUSIONS A relationship was observed between the level of serum ferritin and various cardiovascular risk factors in early adulthood. Intervention and prevention measures should be targeted at the smoking behavior, blood pressure and obesity of naval personnel.
Key words: Cardiovascular risk factors, Ferritin, Warship.