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Arch Hellen Med, 23(4), July-August 2006, 379-392 MEDICAL EDUCATION Inter-university harmonization ïf undergraduate and graduate education in psychiatry. C. SOLDATOS,1 V. MAVREAS,2 G. KAPRINIS,3 S. BERATIS,4 N. ANGELOPOULOS,5 M. LIVADITIS,6 P. SKAPINAKIS,2 É. ZERVAS,1 E. LYKOURAS7 |
The rapid changes in the field of psychiatry and the demands of the European and other international organizations responsible for training in psychiatry, create an indisputable need to harmonize the educational programs of the various Greek medical schools, and to reach an inter-university agreement as to what should be included in the psychiatric education curriculum of the medical student and of the psychiatric trainee. The Hellenic College of Academic Psychiatry (HCAP) was constituted as an inter-university organization having as one of its aims to coordinate efforts to modernize and harmonize the academic educational programs in psychiatry in Greece. In this article the process followed by the HCAP members is presented and the final consensus texts reached for undergraduate and postgraduate training in psychiatry.
Key words: Academic Psychiatry, Graduate, Psychiatric education, Undergraduate.